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A soulful enlightening and interactive session was conducted by Shri Gauranga Darshan Das Prabhu for the students of SPS SN, KE & RB

September 24, 2024

A soulful enlightening and interactive session was conducted at Sagar Public School, Saket Nagar on 24.9.24 by Sri Gauranga Darshan Das Prabhu, Dean of Bhaktivedanta Vidyapitha , ISKCON Govardhan ECO Village, Mumbai. The session focused on the true nature of what we are and how to be the best version of ourself by focusing on our strengths using our intelligence. The importance of surrendering yourself to God and imbibing the qualities of humility while successful, sharpening our intelligence through reading spiritual texts and self acceptance were addressed. The session ended with Shri Gauranga Darshan Das Prabhu answering students' queries.