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Students of Class X, Kaveri House presented morning assembly on the topic “National Sports Day”

August 23, 2023

Kaveri House presented the morning assembly on the topic ‘National Sports Day’ on Aug. 23, 2023, in the spirit of unity and enthusiasm to pay tribute to the legendary "Wizard of Hockey" Major Dhyan Chand. The students of class X demonstrated how journey of Major Dhyan Chand imparts the values of relentless practice, unwavering dedication and a deep love for the game, serving as a source of inspirations for generations to come. Additionally the presentation also highlighted the challenges and triumphs of the sports icons like Mary Com, Savita Punia, Mithali Raj and Sania Mirza emphasizing the power of determination and women empowerment in sports. The assembly fervently motivated students to wholeheartedly embrace sports and break boundaries.