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Timeless Treasure | The Jr. Annual Function, 2023 @ SPS SN

September 16, 2023

The Annual Cultural Extravaganza of Sagar Public School, Saket Nagar commenced with great zest, vibrancy and elation on September 16, 2023. Renowned child psychologist of Bhopal, Dr. Anuradha Kushwaha graced the occasion as the chief guest. Over 500 students of Pre-Primary section participated in various performances staged during the function. The theme of this year’s Annual function was “Timeless Treasure”. The program began with the lighting of lamp and invocation of Goddess Saraswati by the honourable chief guest and other dignitaries. A soulful rendition was given by the students of class KG -II as the welcome song to mark the celebration of childhood. The highlight of the function was the skit on healthy choices. The children also presented dance forms of various countries as well as India and depicted that childhood is universal. The performances were breath taking and infused a sense of excitement among the parents and other spectators. The celebration concluded on a blissful note with the finale performance which featured that we are one :- One Earth, One Family and One Future. The Annual Function concluded with vote of thanks proposed by Ms. R. Preetha, Headmistress, Pre-Primary Section.