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*Change is Constant | Annual Function, 2023 | Classes I - IV | Sagar Public School Saket Nagar Bhopal*

October 13, 2023

The Annual Cultural Extravaganza of Sagar Public School, Saket Nagar commenced with great enthusiasm, exhilaration and vibrancy on October 13, 2023. Ms. Aruna Jyothi Vakkalanka from Azim Premji University graced the occasion as the chief guest. Around 700 students of Classes I to IV participated in various performances staged during the function. The theme of the Annual function was “Change is Constant”. The program began with the lighting of lamp and invocation of Goddess Saraswati by the honorable chief guest & other dignitaries. Students presented a welcome dance on the song शुभम कुरुत्वम कल्याणम, आरोग्यम धन संपद: Change is the universal truth, an ever-present force that shapes our existence. Through different performances on rhythms of seasons, metamorphosis of caterpillars to butterflies, children showcased that change is the unchanging element in our lives. History is a testament to the constancy of change. Students took the audience back in time to witness the mystic transformation of dacoit Ratnakar to poet Valmiki and Chand Ashoka to Dharm Ashoka. Through the timeless tale of Vikram and Betal, students showcased that Change is Strength. Sagarites spread the message that embracing change with an open heart and a curious mind is the key to unlocking the boundless potential present within. The performances were breathtaking and infused a sense of excitement among the parents and other spectators. The celebration concluded on a blissful note with the finale performance showcasing वसुधैव कुटुंबकम्. The annual function concluded with a vote of thanks proposed by Ms. Namrata Sinha, Headmistress, Primary Section.