
Recent Events

Third Parent-Teacher Meeting of Sagar Public School, Saket Nagar

October 07, 2023

In every student's life, there's one teacher or one meeting that changes the course of their life. PTMs are where those stories begin." Third Parent-Teacher Meeting of Sagar Public School, Saket Nagar, took place on Saturday, October 07, 2023, and it witnessed a significant turnout of parents. During this meeting, parents had the opportunity to review the answer scripts of their children from the recent examinations, allowing them to gain insights into their academic progress and areas that may require more attention. In addition to the examination feedback, parents were provided with comprehensive details about the upcoming annual function, which promises to be a significant event in the school calendar. The PTM served as an excellent platform for open communication and collaboration between parents and teachers. The school looks forward to continued positive interactions and is committed to working together to provide the best possible educational environment for the students.